Título do curso: Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing with CUDA Python.
O curso será online e terá lugar os días 30 e 31 de marzo de 2022, en horario de mañá de 10:00h a 14:00h.
Con anterioridade ao comezo do curso enviaranse os detalles necesarios para a conexión aos asistentes.
Dirixido a usuarios do computador FinisTerrae procedentes de entidades públicas, co obxetivo de dar a coñecer as posibilidades de uso e programación baixo python das tarxetas NVIDIA A100 presentes no FinisTerrae.
Este taller será impartido en inglés polo NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute usando a súa infraestructura.
Sesión 1 30 marzo mércores 10:00 – 14:00
Introduction (30 mins)
- Meet the instructor.
- Create an account at https://courses.nvidia.com/join
Introduction to CUDA Python with Numba (120 mins)
- Begin working with the Numba compiler and CUDA programming in Python.
- Use Numba decorators to GPU-accelerate numerical Python functions.
- Optimize host-to-device and device-to-host memory transfers.
Custom CUDA Kernels in Python with Numba (60 mins)
- Learn CUDA’s parallel thread hierarchy and how to extend parallel program possibilities.
- Launch massively parallel custom CUDA kernels on the GPU.
- Utilize CUDA atomic operations to avoid race conditions during parallel execution.
Sesión 2 31 marzo xoves 10:00 – 14:00
Custom CUDA Kernels in Python with Numba – continued (60 mins)
- Learn CUDA’s parallel thread hierarchy and how to extend parallel program possibilities.
- Launch massively parallel custom CUDA kernels on the GPU.
- Utilize CUDA atomic operations to avoid race conditions during parallel execution.
Multidimensional Grids, and Shared Memory for CUDA Python with Numba (120 mins)
- Learn multidimensional grid creation and how to work in parallel on 2D matrices.
- Leverage on-device shared memory to promote memory coalescing while reshaping 2D matrices.
Final Review (30 mins)
- Review key learnings and wrap up questions.
- Complete the assessment to earn a certificate.
- Take the workshop survey.