The European OUT-DOOR project consortium uses the Peneira app in an educational research pilot experience

A group of 20 researchers from Erasmus+ OUT-DOOR project ( participated this week in a pilot experience of using “Peneira” citizen and school science app, developed by the e-learning area of ​​CESGA (

The OUT-DOOR project aims at developing a training program based on outdoor learning methodologies to create an alternative, appealing and engaging means to connect with students that are about to graduate and enter the labour market. In addition to the University of Vigo and the training company FEMXA from Spain, the project involves the University of Technology of Lodz (Poland), coordinator of the project, the University of Salento (Italy), the University of Technology of Kaunas (Lithuania), and the University of the Azores (Portugal).

The research team of the project attended a training session to use the tool, as well as to explore the possibilities of its application in different contexts. On September 4, the research group traveled to the Cíes to carry out a pilot experience of collaboratively collecting geolocated data. This experience will be evaluated later and its result will serve to improve the tool and advance in the development of its functionalities.

The Peneira application at CESGA is part of its educational technology research initiatives, which involves the development and application of innovative technological solutions. CESGA counts on other successful examples in this field, such as the cloud computing environment of “Rede de Escolas na Nube” aimed at rural schools in Europe (, or the development of the management and support environment for teaching practices in Initial Teacher Training of the E+ project: EKT (

Peneira is currently in a limited Beta and evaluation phase. For more information, write to