The Trafair Project has been awarded at the Pa Forum in Rome today with the “Sustainable PA Award, 100 projects to achieve the objectives of the 2030 Agenda“.

The project TRAFAIR – Understanding Traffic Flows to Improve Air Quality, co-funded by the European Community and in which CESGA participates, arose from the need of large cities to check air quality quickly and efficiently with a system that allows to take decisions that improve said quality benefiting citizens, businesses and administrations.

The objectives of this project are to provide estimates of air pollution in the city and to develop a prediction service based on the specific meteorology of the area and on the actual traffic flows that move through the city, in addition to publishing said data to the public.

These objectives are what have made TRAFAIR win the “Sustainable PA Award – 100 projects to achieve the objectives of the 2030 Agenda”, initiative promoted by FPA in collaboration with ASVIS (Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development) in the event FORUM PA 2019.


Proxecto TRAFAIR De esquerda a dereita: Federica Rolo ( UNIMORE), Laura Po ( UNIMORE), Sergio Duretti ( Lepida SPA) e Luca Chiantore ( CMO)