Evaluating the performance of a quantum computer – IV22/03/2024
Evaluating the performance of a quantum computer – III22/03/2024
Evaluating the performance of a quantum computer – II22/03/2024
Evaluating the performance of a quantum computer – I22/03/2024
Application of Quantum Technologies to Telecommunications – II29/01/2024
Application of Quantum Technologies to Telecommunications – I27/11/2023
A Hybrid and Highly Scalable Approach for the Next Generation of Quantum-Enabled Data Centers (CPDs) – III13/11/2023
A Hybrid and Highly Scalable Approach for the Next Generation of Quantum-Enabled Data Centers (CPDs) – II13/11/2023
A Hybrid and Highly Scalable Approach for the Next Generation of Quantum-Enabled Data Centers (CPDs) – I13/11/2023
Quantum technology infrastructures for cybersecurity research07/11/2023
Access interfaces to the Quantum Random Number Generation (QRNG) infrastructure06/11/2023
Tools for the study of the stability of the quantum random number generator03/11/2023
Advances in Quantum Communication and Computing02/11/2023
Mathematics in the Quantum Computing Era: New Frontiers30/10/2023
Applicability of quantum computing techniques in the automotive industry27/10/2023
MPI parallel computing with R22/01/2020
Official TensorFlow benchmark on Finis Terrae II03/01/2019
Integrating Neural Network Parallel Training using Tensorflow with SLURM20/09/2018
Evaluation of Machine Learning Fameworks on Finis Terrae II27/12/2017
Overview of different profiling tools19/12/2017
Evaluation of the CESGA Big Data Infrastructure03/10/2017
Hyper-parametric search using HPC infrastructures for Tensorflow07/09/2017
Evaluation of Lustre subsytem18/01/2017
Rendimiento de diferentes herramientas MPI en el sistema FinisTerrae II27/12/2016
Informe despliegue piloto BBDD en clúster24/08/2016
Requisitos Hardware Big Data11/03/2015
Networked Music Performance09/06/2014
OpenFlow and SDN Technical Report14/02/2014
Analysis of Batch Systems SGE, SLURM, and TORQUE/Maui14/02/2014
GAIA Running Big Data at CESGA19/12/2013
Hadoop y MapReduce19/12/2013
Evaluation of Intel Xeon Phi to execute easily scientific applications30/07/2013
Despliegue de servicios HPC en entornos cloud multipropósito03/01/2013
Análisis de tecnologías de virtualización de redes y su aplicación en NRENs03/01/2013
Monitorización de redes y servicios en RECETGA14/12/2012
Manual caracterización MONTE CARLO de un acelerador lineal de Radioterapia para la plataforma e-IMRT31/12/2011
Data assimilation with the ROMS model: A first approach27/12/2011
Comparativa de software de gestión cloud11/05/2011
Evaluación de Amazon EC211/05/2011
Instalación y evaluación de CloudStack11/05/2011
Instalación y evaluación de Eucalyptus11/05/2011
Instalación y evaluación de OpenNebula11/05/2011
Análisis de utilización del Sistema de Gestión de Cursos Aula Cesga17/12/2010
Memoria Gerárquica y Mapping do FINIS TERRAE02/10/2010
Análise Técnico de Rendemento do Finis Terrae12/03/2009
Quantum Chemistry common data format Q5COST and OpenBabel: A first answer to interoperability in Quantum Chemistry.20/06/2008
Benchmarks para el análisis de nuevas arquitecturas: Xeon Single, Dual y Quadcore20/09/2007
Integración de dispositivos biomédicos en sistemas de teleasistencia11/06/2007
AccessGrid: Nuevos entornos de colaboración28/11/2006
CalcuNetw: Calculate Measurements in Complex Networks21/12/2005
Opciones del compilador Fortran 90 de HP21/12/2005
Simulación numérica y CAD en las empresas industriales de Galicia30/06/2005
Estudio de la problemática de la implantación del IPv6 en la RECETGA30/06/2005