Monthly Archives: December 2017


Evaluation of Machine Learning Fameworks on FT II

Thecnical report: "Evaluation of Machine Learning Fameworks on Finis Terrae II". Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) are two technologies used to extract representations of the data for a specific purpose. ML algorithms take a set of data as input to generate one or several predictions. To define the final version of one model, [...]

2023-09-19T10:11:54+02:0027/12/2017|Categories: News|

“Overview of different profiling tools”

Technical report "Overview of different profiling tools". This technical report will try to give an overview of different profiling tools, both open-source and commercial. Some of them are currently available in FinisTerraeII supercomputer, so a brief usage of this tools will be shown too. This report will give a point of reference to start to [...]

2023-09-19T10:08:56+02:0027/12/2017|Categories: News|

2nd GPU Hackathon at CESGA

CESGAHACK 18 - 2nd GPU Hackathon at CESGA Take advantage of Parallware Trainer to learn OpenMP/OpenACC Co-organized by CESGA and Appentra Solutions CESGA, Santiago de Compostela, Spain March 5 – 9, 2018. Registration deadline: February 11, 2018

2023-09-19T10:06:28+02:0027/12/2017|Categories: News|