Monthly Archives: February 2018


Announcing the CESGAHACK 18 Participants

Appentra Solutions S.L., and CESGA, are delighted to announce the participants in the upcoming CESGAHACK: a hackathon taking place at CESGA, Santiago de Compostela on 5th-9th March 2018. We received many fantastic applications for the hackathon, but sadly we have to limit the experience to just 6 teams. The successful teams cover a range of [...]

2023-09-19T10:14:38+01:0027/2/2018|Categories: News|

PhenoloGIT project consortium meeting at CESGA

Tomorrow the consortium of the European PhenoloGIT project meets at CESGA. This project has the objective of designing and testing an environmental information educational platform, supported by geographic information technologies (GIT) and the use of common mobile devices (tablets, telephones), so that it can be used by primary and secondary school teachers and students. high [...]

2023-09-19T10:13:27+01:0026/2/2018|Categories: News|