Monthly Archives: July 2018



The scientific seminar, september 26 at CESGA, “Financial mathematics and supercomputing” is sponsored by the RES (Spanish Supercomputing Network) and organized by Appentra Solutions, CESGA (Supercomputing Center of Galicia), ITMATI (Technological Institute of Industrial mathematics) and UDC (University of A Coruña). Improving the productivity, quality and sustainability of scientific software in the field of engineering [...]

2023-09-19T10:17:06+02:0020/7/2018|Categories: News|

CESGAHACK 3 aiming to accelerate their applications

The goal of this hackathon is to accelerate the execution of applications. If your development team has little or no experience of parallel programming, then CESGAHACK3 is for you. During the week the event is structured to ensure that the majority of the time is spent working on your own code, with the assistance of [...]

2023-09-19T10:16:27+02:0016/7/2018|Categories: News|