Monthly Archives: August 2022



The workshop is oriented to give an overview of the Machine Learning basic algorithms and its usefulness in topics related to SINFONIA project. During SINFONIA project several AI algorithms will be developed. This workshop will give an overview to machine learning and will help the project partners to increase their skills in the development of [...]

Colaboración FPGMX – CESGA

A Xunta almacenará no Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia os datos de preto de 30.000 análises xenómicas de pacientes que realiza ao ano. O Goberno galego aprobou este ano un contrato-programa coa Fundación Galega de Medicina Xenómica de 14 millóns de euros en dous anos, orzamento que abarca a realización de análises xenéticas O conselleiro [...]

2023-09-19T12:44:49+02:001/8/2022|Categories: News|