

FinisTerrae II Use Workshop

FinisTerrae II Use Workshop The Workshop will take place on October 30 of 2019 in the morning from 11: 00h to 14: 00, in the Scientific Area Building of the UDC, classroom 3.01. Aimed at novice users or potential users of the FinisTerrae II computer, with the aim that they know the equipment and learn [...]

2023-09-19T11:01:10+01:001/10/2019|Categories: Courses, News|

PEJ-19-TS1-BIGDATA – 1 BIGDATA Systems Technician

Reference: PEJ-19-TS1-BIGDATA Job: BIGDATA Systems Technician The jobs will be financed with resources from the ESF (European Social Fund) and the IEJ (Youth Employment Initiative) assigned to the State Research Agency of the State Secretariat for Research, Development and Innovation who convened Aid for the year 2018 for the Promotion of Young Employment and Implementation [...]

2023-09-19T11:00:36+01:001/10/2019|Categories: Employ, News|

TRAFAIR project awarded at Pa Forum

The Trafair Project has been awarded at the Pa Forum in Rome today with the "Sustainable PA Award, 100 projects to achieve the objectives of the 2030 Agenda". The project TRAFAIR - Understanding Traffic Flows to Improve Air Quality, co-funded by the European Community and in which CESGA participates, arose from the need of large [...]

2023-09-21T09:35:20+01:0020/5/2019|Categories: News|

Big Data Platform upgraded to Hadoop 3

The Big Data platform has been upgraded to Hadoop 3, including also the new Spark 2.4. The Big Data service allows not only processing in parallel large volumes of information, but also collecting and processing streaming data and using Jupyter Notebooks for exploration and visualization tasks. The service is based in the last version of [...]

2023-09-19T10:54:03+01:0014/5/2019|Categories: News|


Fundamental and applied research comes together via international networking, using the facilities of the CESGA Super-Computer Center (Spain), the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS), and the special synthesis technique of subnanometer-sized metal clusters by the company NANOGAP: de Lara-Castells et al. [1] address the question how a special surface treatment can change the optical properties [...]

2023-09-19T10:52:40+01:003/5/2019|Categories: News|

FOAM@Iberia 2019 – Jun 11th and 12th – Porto

The 3rd FOAM@Iberia Meeting, to be held in 11-12 June at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (Portugal), will be the annual meeting point of the OpenFOAM® Iberian community. We are pleased to announce the Advanced Course on IHFOAM applied to Coastal engineering by Dr. Gabriel Barajas at the 3rd Iberian meeting [...]

2023-09-19T10:51:20+01:0029/4/2019|Categories: Events, News|

Machine Learning algorithms

EMO is a Slovenian SME specialising in the production of tools and dies for stamping, particularly sheet metal, in the automobile and aerospace industries. EMO utilises laser metal deposition (LMD) technology. AIMEN is a Spanish not-for-profit organization with expertise in laser technologies, manufacturing processes and the development of monitoring systems for industrial applications.     [...]

2023-09-21T08:48:28+01:004/2/2019|Categories: News|

Simulation of the tightening, screws in industrial

Texas Controls is a Spanish SME that offers tightening and sealing solutions to large industrial facilities in the industrial, power generation and oil & gas sectors. The mechanical division of Texas Controls is the only engineering company in Spain specialising in tightening and sealing. Its long experience over many years of achieving critical safe mechanical [...]

2023-09-19T10:32:43+01:0029/1/2019|Categories: News|

Published experiment on cost estimation in logistic

Kaleido Ideas & Logistics is a group of companies, specialising in worldwide logistics and intermodal transport, which offers chartering, stevedoring, freight forwarding (air/sea/land), cargo insurance and warehousing. Kaleido’s solutions are highly focused on the following sectors: oil, gas and wind energy; industrial projects; naval, iron and steel and raw materials. Logistics represent up to a [...]

2023-09-19T10:30:35+01:0018/1/2019|Categories: News|