

CESGA Workshop on ORCA 4

The supercomputing centre of Galicia (CESGA) is organising a workshop on the quantum chemistry code ORCA 4 to be held in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, May 22th and 23th. ORCA is a free general purpose software for quantum chemistry. Created in the nineties, ORCA is today one of the most used program quantum chemistry programs, [...]

2023-09-19T10:15:04+01:002/4/2018|Categories: News|

Announcing the CESGAHACK 18 Participants

Appentra Solutions S.L., and CESGA, are delighted to announce the participants in the upcoming CESGAHACK: a hackathon taking place at CESGA, Santiago de Compostela on 5th-9th March 2018. We received many fantastic applications for the hackathon, but sadly we have to limit the experience to just 6 teams. The successful teams cover a range of [...]

2023-09-19T10:14:38+01:0027/2/2018|Categories: News|

PhenoloGIT project consortium meeting at CESGA

Tomorrow the consortium of the European PhenoloGIT project meets at CESGA. This project has the objective of designing and testing an environmental information educational platform, supported by geographic information technologies (GIT) and the use of common mobile devices (tablets, telephones), so that it can be used by primary and secondary school teachers and students. high [...]

2023-09-19T10:13:27+01:0026/2/2018|Categories: News|

Training Intel Parallel Studio XE 2018

The objective of this course is to provide support for compiling appications with Intel compilers and optimize, debug and improve their performance by using the tools made available by Intel as: Advisor, Inspector, analyzer and vtune. The course is recomended for users who develop their own applications and/or want to improve their parallel performance. Dates: [...]

2023-09-19T10:12:35+01:0015/1/2018|Categories: News|

Evaluation of Machine Learning Fameworks on FT II

Thecnical report: "Evaluation of Machine Learning Fameworks on Finis Terrae II". Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) are two technologies used to extract representations of the data for a specific purpose. ML algorithms take a set of data as input to generate one or several predictions. To define the final version of one model, [...]

2023-09-19T10:11:54+01:0027/12/2017|Categories: News|

“Overview of different profiling tools”

Technical report "Overview of different profiling tools". This technical report will try to give an overview of different profiling tools, both open-source and commercial. Some of them are currently available in FinisTerraeII supercomputer, so a brief usage of this tools will be shown too. This report will give a point of reference to start to [...]

2023-09-19T10:08:56+01:0027/12/2017|Categories: News|

2nd GPU Hackathon at CESGA

CESGAHACK 18 - 2nd GPU Hackathon at CESGA Take advantage of Parallware Trainer to learn OpenMP/OpenACC Co-organized by CESGA and Appentra Solutions CESGA, Santiago de Compostela, Spain March 5 – 9, 2018. Registration deadline: February 11, 2018

2023-09-19T10:06:28+01:0027/12/2017|Categories: News|

Deep Learning Workshop

NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute (DLI) offers hands-on training for developers, data scientists, and researchers looking to solve challenging problems with deep learning. DLI and Hewlett Packard Enterprise are excited to announce this one-day practical Deep Learning workshop in Santiago de Compostela at CESGA on 20th of October 2017, from 9:00am to 17:30pm. In this hands-on [...]

2023-09-19T10:05:49+01:004/10/2017|Categories: News|

Computación Cuántica e IA Cuántica

II Workshop IqGal 26 September 2017 Venue: CESGA (Avda. de Vigo, S/N, Santiago de Compostela) TITLE: Quantum Computing and Quantum Artificial Intelligence SPEAKER: Prof. Enrique Solano (University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain) ABSTRACT: Quantum artificial intelligence and quantum machine learning are based on taking advantage of the properties of quantum physics and quantum computers, [...]

2023-09-19T10:03:59+01:0018/9/2017|Categories: News|

A powerful tool for industry

Deep Learning is a powerful tool for industry and other sectors that benefits from large datasets and computing capacity during the design and training steps. CESGA’s FinisTerrae HPC infrastructure can reduce enormously the time to solution thanks to its parallel capabilities and the availability of fast and large storage. As a demonstration of these benefits, [...]

2023-09-19T10:04:13+01:0011/9/2017|Categories: News|