

HPC, Efforts in JSC to lower the user entry barrier

The HPC user's requirements are exploding, as more scientific domains demand HPC resources. Different communities need different compilers, libraries, visualization tools, languages and runtimes. Some of the newcomers are still learning about the particularities of HPC environments, and struggling to focus on their science rather than on technical difficulties. At the same time, supercomputing architectures [...]

2023-09-19T10:04:37+01:004/9/2017|Categories: News|

MareFrame at A New Era of Blue Enlightenment

MareFrame will be presented both at a Workshop and at project showcase session at the event, A New Era of Blue Enlightenment - Lisbon, Portugal 12 – 14 July 2017. See the event Agenda in attachement. Commissioner Carlos Moedas will host a High-Level Ministerial and Scientific event on 12-14 July 2017 in Lisbon, Portugal, [...]

2023-09-19T10:05:00+01:0010/7/2017|Categories: News|

Trainer week on interactive learning CESGA

From January 9th to 13th, a group of professors of continuing and higher education institutions from Great Britain, the Netherlands and Finland will participate in a Train the Trainer week on training and e-learning generation interactive educational training for blended learning VET courses. This activity is part of the European project BLEND ( "developing [...]

2023-09-19T09:37:56+01:008/1/2017|Categories: News|