Infrastructures of the Center of Supercomputación of Galicia
CESGA has advanced infrastructures designed to increase the research and technological capacity of the scientific community and industry. The high quality of the available infrastructures, as well as their singularity in the whole of the Spanish State, have motivated the recognition of the installation as a Singular Scientific Technological Infrastructure of Spain (ICTS). The most significant infrastructures are intended to provide great computing power in scientific-technological environments through different architectures, as well as the advanced communications networks that allow the Galician scientific-technological community to access national and international academic-scientific networks. by means of large bandwidths. There are also other infrastructures related to information technologies that provide a wide variety of complementary services.
The infrastructures for R & D & i managed by CESGA were funded by: Xunta de Galicia, Superior Council of Scientific Research, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and European Regional Development Fund.
CESGA is a node of the Spanish Supercomputing and Data Network (RES), the state’s singular distributed scientific-technical infrastructure.
Spanish Supercomputing and Data Network (RES)
Ministry of Science and Innovation: