CESGA is the managing institution of the Science and Technology Network of Galicia (RECETGA). RECETGA is an advanced communications infrastructure that permits the interconnection of Galician research centres, integrating them and allowing them access to the services provided by research networks at national and international levels (RedIris, GEANT, Internet2, etc.) as well as to commercial networks.
RECETGA is constituted by its own dark fibre links as well as bandwidth links of operators that interconnect the different associated centres. It is CESGA that, through its NOC (Network Management Centre) and by means of the use of routing equipment and high capacity switching controls and operates said network.
In this section, you will find information about the RECETGA architecture and the centres that compose it, as well as of the equipment that allows for the operation and management of the same.
During the year 2011, RECETGA is migrating its backbone network in order to provide services via dark fibre links, having points of presence with very high capacity in all of the large urban centres of Galicia which will facilitate access to the services with conditions that are equal to the rest of the research institutions at the European level. Likewise, the renewal of the routing and switching equipment is proceeding in order to improve availability to the connected centres.

The Network of Science and Technology of Galicia (RECETGA) is a high capacity infrastructure of connectivity that provides high quality communications and Internet services to the research community of Galicia.
RECETGA is dedicated to satisfy the following objectives:
- Provide communications services to the academic and research communities in Galicia such as Internet connectivity, connectivity between centres, services on the multicast network, IPv6, level 2 or 3 VPNs, establishment of testbeds devoted to experiments, etc. RECETGA also facilitates access to the services offered by the research centres that are members of RECETGA (as is the case with services of storage, computing, e-Learning, and GIS of CESGA itself, the meteorological information of MeteoGalicia, didactic contents, and Galician university research, etc.).
- Provide an open technological environment that makes research, development, and innovation possible in the field of communications in our community.
- Facilitate the development of the Information and Knowledge Society in Galicia.
RECETGA was created in 1993 and, after successive technological changes to adapt to the new transport and transmission technologies, today it interconnects a total of 43 centres with different purposes. From its creation until today, it has been managed by CESGA.
Connected Centres
- Research centres and laboratories of the Regional Goverment of Galicia,
- Institutes and laboratories of the Spanish National Scientific Research Council (CSIC) in Galicia, and
- Other public and private research and development institutions.
RECETGA. Listing of interconnected centres
RECETGA is a network based on dark fibrer links and optical switching DWDM equipment mainly; it is a half-ring structure ein Galicia closed on one side by the national research network (RedIRIS) infrastructure. The routing nodes are redundant and they are placed at geographically distant points (Vigo and Santiago).
Next, we show a diagram with the structure fiber links that constitute the current backbone network.
RECETGA network fiber diagram
This infrastructure deployment financed with funds of the Regional Government of Galicia and from the deployment project of the national research network, RedIris Nova. The deployment was carried out during 2010-2012.
The following image shows a photograph of the DWDM optical switching equipment provided in the RECETGA-RedIris Nova node located in CESGA and composed by Alcatel-Lucent 1626LM equipment. DWDM optical equipment of similar characteristics is found in the rest of the Galician hybrid nodes as well as in the RedIris Nova nodes of the national research network.

DWDM optical switching equipment of the nodes of the trunk network of RECETGA-RedIris Nova
DWDM optical switching equipment of the nodes of the backbone RECETGA-RedIris Nova network.
RECETGA is interconnected to the national research network, RedIris, through its Point of Presence located in CESGA . RedIris offers transmission to the GEANT research network that provides connectivity to all of the national research networks (NREN, National Research Network) in Europe.
The exchange of traffic between the Network of Science and Technology of Galicia and the commercial networks is achieved through the Spanish Neutral Internet Traffic Exchange Point, ESPANIX, situated in Madrid.
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The diagram shows the interconnection of national networks through GEANT and access to RECETGA through RedIris. | Interconnection of regional networks by RedIris. |
Since 2008, RedIris has initiated a process of deployment of dark firbe infrastructure at a national level (RedIris Nova project) in which the Regional Government of Galicia participates via CESGA for its construction in Galicia. Through RedIrisNova, CESGA currently provides user access to the European network of science and technology (GEANT) although all of the links of the backbone network are migrating to the new dark fibre infrastructure during 2011.

RedIris Nova
RedIris Nova. Provisional deployment of dark firbe network in Spain (RedIris/RECETGA in Galicia and rest of Spain).

European network interconnection scheme
Geant. Diagram of the interconnection of the European networks
Management and monitoring
RECETGA is an infrastructure managed by CESGA which maintains a network management centre responsible for infrastructure monitoring.
Services offered on the network
CESGA provides common network services to the centres connected to RECETGA among which are included the following: multicast, IPv4 direction, IPv6, monitoring and management, DNS, housing of servers and virtual machines, high definition videoconference capacity, security services (audit, management of incidents, …), etc.
In addition to these, CESGA makes other specific services available to its users through the network, among which the following stand out: access to high performance computing servers, access to computing and simulation applications, access to computational GRIDS, access to Cloud infrastructures, massive data storage, access to e-Learning software platforms or access to digital cartography, among others.
The existence of RECETGA makes it possible for different institutional users to participate in national and international research projects and initiatives such as EGEE 3, PASITO, Int.Eu.Grid, EGI, LHCb, etc. The network has also boosted the use of Internet as a medium for the exchange of specialized information. High capacity data transfer has favoured the creation of BUGALICIA, one of the largest consortiums of university libraries of on-line electronic publications of Spain, as well as the constitution of thematic networks in Galicia such as the Galician Bioinformatic Network or the Galician Network of Parallel, Distributed, and GRID Computing Technologies.
RedIRIS trunk network
RECETGA optical circuits
REDIRIS. Red española de investigación
GEANT. Red europea de investigación
Política de uso aceptable de RECETGA
Historical evolution RECETGA 1993-2005
Connected centers
Here, we present the list of research centres that are currently connected to RECETGA through the services offered by the Supercomputing Centre of Galicia (CESGA).
European Fisheries Control Agency
Address: Edificio Odriozola, Av García Balbón 4, 36201 Vigo.
Address: Plaza Manuel Gómez Moreno s/n planta 2, 28020 Madrid.
Rede de Telecomunicacións Galega
Address: Edificio Usos Múltiples, Avenida de San marcos, Bando, 15820 Santiago de Compostela.
Servizo Galego de Saúde
Address: Edificio Administrativo de San Lázaro, 15703 Santiago de Compostela.
Xunta de Galicia y Centros
Address: Edificio Administrativo de San Caetano, Rúa de San Caetano s/n, 15704 Santiago de Compostela.
IES San Clemente
Address: San Clemente s/n, 15705 Santiago de Compostela.
Universidade da Coruña
Address: Facultad de Informatica, Campus Elviña, 15192 A Coruña.
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Address: Praza da Universidade 4, 15782 Santiago de Compostela.
Universidade de Vigo
Address: Lagoas s/n – Campus Universitario Marcosende 36310 Vigo.
Instituto Tecnolóxico para o Control do Medio Mariño de Galicia
Address: Peirao de Vilaxoán s/n, 36600 Vilaxoán, Vilagarcía de Arousa.
Instituto Español Oceanográfico – Sede Coruña
Address: Muelle de las ánimas s/n, 15001 A Coruña.
Address: Avenida de Galicia 4, Parque Tecnológico de Galicia, 32900 San Cibrao das Viñas, Ourense.
Centro Técnico Nacional de Conservación de Productos de la Pesca
Address: Ctra. Colegio Universitario, 16 36310 Vigo – Pontevedra.
Centro de Innovación e Servizos de Galicia
Address: A Cabana s/n 15590 Ferrol.
Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia
Address: Avenida de Vigo, s/n Campus Sur 15705 Santiago de Compostela.
Fundación Centro Tecnológico del Mar
Address: Eduardo Cabello S/N 36208 Vigo.
TECNOPOLE (Parque Tecnológico de Galicia S.A.)
Address: San Cibrao das Viñas 32900, Ourense.
Fundación Centro Oncológico de Galicia
Address: Avenida Monserrat s/n ,15009 A Coruña.
Fundación Empresa-Universidad Gallega (Sede Santiago)
Address: Rúa Lópe Gómez de Marzoa s/n, Campus Universitario Sur – 15705 Santiago de Compostela.
Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de A Coruña
Address: Lugar Jubias de Arriba 84, 15006 A Coruña.
Delegación Institucional del CSIC en Galicia
Address: Rúa do Franco 2, 15705 Santiago de Compostela.
Instituto Investigaciones Agrobiológicas
Address: Av. de Vigo, s/n. Campus Universitario Sur, 15705 – Santiago de Compostela.
Instituto de Estudios Gallegos Padre Sarmiento
Address: Rúa San Roque 2, 15704 Santiago de Compostela.
Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas de Vigo
Address: Eduardo Cabello nº6, 36208 Vigo.
Complexo Hospitalario Universitario de Santiago de Compostela
Address: Calle da Choupana s/n, 15706 Santiago de Compostela.