Date: 23 January 2024
Time: 11:00-12:00 CET
Abstract: One of the objectives of the NEASQC project was to put together an application-centric benchmark suite that would guide hardware development efforts, in particular those of the Quantum Technology Flagship, by providing scalable and hardware-independent mechanisms to assess and compare quantum end-user applications behaviour in different hardware platforms. At this point, four benchmarks were selected from the large and representative array of NEASQC use cases:
T01: Benchmark for Probability Loading Algorithms. This Benchmark addresses one of the current main problems of Quantum Computing: how to load classical data into the amplitudes. Extracted from the WP5, it is important for many different quantum algorithms.
T02: Benchmark for Amplitude Estimation Algorithms. Amplitude Estimation algorithms are used as a technique to accelerate some results. It has been defined from the needs of WP5.
T03: Benchmark for Phase Estimation Algorithms. Phase Estimation is a key algorithm in Quantum Computing that is used widely. Concretely, it is used in some possible solutions of the Use Case 5 from WP5.
T04: Benchmark for Parent Hamiltonian. Variational algorithms, especially Variation Quantum Eigensolver, are proposed tools to get good results from the current noisy quantum computers. However, their results depend on the selected ansatz and used optimizer. This Benchmark tests the quality of the quantum computers and libraries to execute typical ansatzes used in WP4, without depending on the optimizer.
This webinar will present the methodology followed by the NEASQC team to select those benchmarks, it will introduce the four benchmarks and will explain how developers can use the suite.
Speakers: Dr Diego Andrade Canosa (UDC) and Dr Gonzalo Ferro Costas (CESGA)
Gonzalo Ferro is senior project technician in the Applications and Projects department of CESGA, the Galician Supercomputing Centre. He holds a PhD in Physics and worked for several technological and research companies. Since 2021, he has been working at CESGA for the NEASQC project.
Diego Andrade is an associate professor in the Computer Engineering Department at the University of A Coruña. He holds a PhD in Computer Science.
His main current research interests are Quantum Computing, and High-Performance Computing and its convergence with artificial intelligence. He is part of the NEASQC project.