Project Description
DIVERSIMAR – Observation network of marine and fisheries biodiversity of Galicia and Cantabrian
Period: 2019-12-19 – 2021-12-31
Funded by: Fundación Biodiversidad, Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica and el Reto Demográfico
The main objective of this project, coordinated by IEO-Vigo, is to obtain a tool for information and monitoring of the marine biodiversity of the area. This tool is based on an information system that collects the existing information and serves as a data source to record the changes that are occurring in the seas, as well as allow access and collaboration of sea users, using “Citizen Science ” This web tool will integrate information on the distribution, biology and ecology of a relevant number of species, and it is conceived with a long-term project with great development potential given the extensive field of marine biodiversity. The importance of this project lies in the current need to have accessible, standardized and revised information on the distribution of species that helps sea users and managers to develop control plans and conservation strategies.
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