Project Description

eDIH DATALIFE – DATAlife: European Digital Innovation Hub

The EDIH DATAlife project focuses on implementing disruptive technologies in validation and demonstration phases with great potential to increase the competitiveness of Galician companies and public administration, but little widespread at present. It is, therefore, necessary to support companies – especially SMEs – to facilitate their knowledge and adoption. The services will be collected in a catalogue and free for SMEs.

These will include advice for implementing new technologies and proofs of the concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI), High-Performance Computing (HPC), or Internet of Things (IoT).


  • Increase the competitiveness of enterprises, and especially SMEs, through the adoption of AI and Big Data technologies, promoting the creation of federated data spaces and their collaborative exploitation.
  • Sharing best practices with other regions through its experts committee, with ambassadors at national and international level, and with strategic relations with the participation in DIHs collaboration networks.
  • Be a one-stop shop for services, providing companies with access to advanced digital solutions through modern infrastructures for experimentation and technology validation.



BIOGA – Clúster Tecnolóxico Empresarial das Ciencias da Vida
CESGA – Fundación Pública Galega Centro Tecnolóxico de Supercomputación de Galicia
CETIM – Fundación Centro Tecnológico de Investigación Multisectorial
CMD – Cluster da Madeira e o Deseño de Galicia
CETGA – Cluster de la Acuicultura de Galicia
CSG – Cluster Saúde de Galicia
Clúster TIC Galicia
EnergyLab – Centro Tecnolóxico de Eficiencia e Sostenibilidade Enerxética
FEUGA – Fundación Empresa Universidad Gallega
FINSA – Financiera Maderera S.A.
GRADIANT – Centro Tecnolóxico de Telecomunicacións De Galicia
Noso Capital, SGEIC, S.A.
Televés, S.A.U.
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Universidad de Vigo
Vodafone España S.A.U.
Zendal Health S.A.

Funding: Comisión Europea

Solicitation: Europeo IP

Start date: 2023/01/01

End date: 2025/30/12

Overall budget: 2.500.000 €

CESGA budget: 417.964 €

DATAlife project