Project Description

Observatorio EL – Observatorio Gallego de e-learning

Period: 2004-10-01 – 2005-12-31 (15 months).

Funded by: D.X. de ID

This project consists of developing a scientific observatory for the monitoring of e-learning in Galicia, which serve as a reference and meeting point for experts of our community. This project will analyze and evaluate the reality of e-learning in Galician society (mainly in the university and business).


Related publications

  • Final report: “Estado del e-learning en Galicia. Análisis en la Universidad y en la empresa” .
  • Publication on the on-line scientific newspaper archive Dialnet.
  • Article in the on-line Asociación Iberoamericana de Educación Superior a Distancia (AIESAD) journal  RIED.
  • SCOPEO article.
  •  Quaderns Digitals journal article “A Rede Galega de e-learning”.
  • Presentation at “I Congreso Ibérico sobre a Fenda Dixital” conference.


More info

  • Partners: Universidad de A Coruña, Universidad de Santiago, Universidad de Vigo, EOSA consultores and CESGA.
  • Person in charge : María José Rodríguez Malmierca
  • Web: