Plataforma de Ciencias Marinas
Plataforma CCMM - Programa de ciencias marinas de Galicia. Plataforma [...]
EUMaster4HPC - EUMaster4HPC (previously Hercules) Advancing education and training in [...]
FabLabs4IOT - Developing competences on the Internet of Things through [...]
Quantum Communications (CC)
Quantum Communications (CC) is recognized as a particularly strategic sector [...]
U-SKY – Simulador UTM/U-Space
U-SKY - High-Reliability Operational UTM/U-Space Simulator Period: 2021-11-08 – 2023-03-31 [...]
Quantum Spain – Quantum Computing Ecosystem for AI
Quantum Spain - Quantum Computing Ecosystem for AI Period: 2021-10-26 [...]
EOSC Future – European Open Science Cloud
EOSC Future - European Open Science Cloud Period: 2021-04-01 – [...]
e-InnoEduCO2 – School science e-learning ONE HEALTH
e-InnoEduCO2 - School science e-learning ONE HEALTH Our EU project [...]
EGI-ACE – Advanced Computing for EOSC
EGI-ACE - Advanced Computing for EOSC Period: 2021-01-01 - 2023-06-30 [...]
GEOCAP – Sustainable catch management of fisheries
GEOCAP - Integración de bases de datos de capturas totales [...]