Quantum Computing

/Tag: Quantum Computing

USC Quantum Computing Workshop

An introductory workshop with a focus on practical applications related to search and optimization problems. It consists of 3 Friday afternoon sessions on February 28, February 7 and March 14, 2025 from 15:00 to 19:30, and a full day Haqathon on Friday March 21, 2025 from 9:30:00 till 20:00 to prove the acquired skills. More [...]

2025-02-13T09:55:28+01:0013/2/2025|Categories: News|Tags: |

Distributed quantum computing

CESGA proposes network architectures capable of rapidly scaling up quantum computing capabilities By the time fully operational quantum computers exist, systems capable of connecting them to tackle tasks of unimaginable size and complexity will have been designed. CESGA aims to make a significant contribution to this challenge through its project to develop rapidly scalable [...]

Quantum language tools

CiTIUS designs new language tools to facilitate quantum computer programming The development of user-friendly languages that allow programmers to communicate with quantum computers in an accessible way is one of the decisive factors for the deployment of the full potential of these technologies. CiTIUS is working on a compiler for distributed quantum systems and [...]

2024-11-05T13:47:42+01:0030/10/2024|Categories: News|Tags: , , |

Protocols and intermediate programming language

CiTIUS develops protocols and a new programming language to make it easier for quantum and classical computers to work together As long as quantum computers remain small, they have to operate jointly through distributed systems to deliver good results. What seems clear is that working alone or in groups, they will coexist in the [...]

2024-11-05T13:48:51+01:0029/10/2024|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

VQCC hackers

VQCC hackers test quantum communications to design protocols immune to the most sophisticated attacks Pushing quantum communication systems to the limit over and over again. Such is the mission of quantum hackers at the service of science, experts capable of designing attacks on the most secure communication exchange protocols in our history in order [...]

2024-11-05T13:54:03+01:0025/10/2024|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , |

Taller de Computación de Inspiración Cuántica

Taller en Computación de Inspiración Cuántica Los días 16, 23 de febrero y 1 de marzo de 03:00 a 06:00 PM se realizará el Taller en Computación de Inspiración Cuántica. El curso consta de tres sesiones que combinan introducción teórica y talleres prácticos donde se resolverán problemas reales de interés en la industria. Enlace de [...]

Quantum Spain Seminar

Quantum Spain Seminar: Analog and digital superconducting quantum processors El próximo miércoles 14 de febrero, a las 4pm (CET), tendrá lugar el seminario "Analog and digital superconducting quantum processors" impartido por Pol Forn-Díaz, CTO de Qilimanjaro e investigador del IFAE (Barcelona), en el que nos hablará sobre la tecnología de los cubits superconductores y los [...]

2024-03-15T14:28:34+01:0014/2/2024|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

Torneo Quantum Chess

El miércoles 21 de febrero a las 16:30h tendrá lugar el I Torneo de Quantum Chess en la Facultad de Física de la Universidad de Santiago. En el torneo participarán centros de Enseñanza Secundaria de Santiago. Cada equipo estará formado por cuatro estudiantes de cada centro. Fujitsu, como patrocinador del evento, acerca un portátil LIFEBOOK [...]

2024-02-16T13:22:51+01:009/2/2024|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , |

Application of Quantum Technologies to Telecommunications – II

We calculated the optimal conformation for three 10-amino acid peptide sequences at interfaces with different polarity gradients. The results obtained with our approach using the quantum emulator available at CESGA. Recently, IBM released a code aimed at solving the peptide folding problem in homogeneous environments for relatively short amino acid chains using this technology. Their [...]

CESGA hace balance de sus treinta años

El CESGA HACE BALANCE DE SUS TREINTA AÑOS CON LA VISTA PUESTA EN UN SEGUNDO ORDENADOR CUÁNTICO Y El SUPERORDENADOR FINISTERRAE IV — La directora de la Agencia Gallega de Innovación y presidenta del Cesga, Patricia Argerey, participó en el evento junto al director y subdirector del centro, y antiguos responsables — Actualmente, el Cesga [...]