/Tag: SMEs

    The first FFplus Open Call is launched

    FFplus is a European initiative, highlighting the adoption of High-Performance Computing (HPC) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for SMEs and Startups across Europe, showing the business benefits and impacts of adopting HPC and AI in real business models. The first FFplus Open Call is launched! Business Experiments will address the uptake of HPC by [...]

    2024-06-24T13:40:00+01:0024/6/2024|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , , |

      HPC Industry Summit

      FF4EuroHPC Consortium partners are happy to share the invitation to the HPC Industry Summit which will take place at GLS Campus Berlin, Germany, from 18-19th October. Industry speakers will discuss how High Performance Computing (HPC), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Quantum technologies are influencing different sectors. This session involves a unique format where participants will be [...]

        Oportunidades de financiación para HPC

        El Digital Innovation Hub Industrial de Galicia presenta el 7 de septiembre una sesión sobre oportunidades de financiación para proyectos de digitalización centrados en la temática de High Performance Computing (Supercomputación) relacionados con la gestión de grandes cantidades de datos. Esta jornada se realiza gracias a la participación del Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia (CESGA), [...]

          Proyectos Empresariales financiados por FF4EuroHPC

          Proyectos Empresariales financiados por FF4EuroHPC La primera convocatoria abierta de proyectos empresariales de FF4EuroHPC fue un éxito: se presentaron 68 propuestas en las que participaron más de 150 organizaciones de 25 países. 16 propuestas obtuvieron financiación. 2 de estas 16 propuestas seleccionadas y que desarrollarán las pymes FIGAL Innova S.L, SREC Solutions, S.L. y Aslogic [...]

            FF4EuroHPC project: First Open Call closed!

            First Open Call for application experiments has been closed! The Open Call was successful as the level of response lined up with that experienced in the past Fortissimo projects. Evaluation is ongoing, supported by many experienced external evaluators from industry and academia. The consortia of the highest ranked proposals will be invited to develop their [...]

              FF4EuroHPC opens the first call for SMEs

              The FF4EuroHPC project started at the beginning of September 2020. As a part of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, under the auspices of the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 program, has been awarded a three-year grant of EUR 9.9 million to start a new European consortium, called FF4EuroHPC. The key concept behind FF4EuroHPC is to demonstrate to European [...]