The Supercomputing Center of Galicia’s mission is to contribute to the advancement of Science and Technology, through the research and application of high-performance computing and communications, as well as other information technology resources, in collaboration with other institutions, to The benefit of the Company.
The user community of CESGA uses the resources and services of the Center to produce new knowledge that is reflected in the more than 200 publications that it has been reporting annually and that can be consulted in the annual scientific production reports that can be consulted in the section on publications.
Research at Cesga is focused on Computational Science with the objective of contributing significantly to the advancement of the following lines of research:
High Performance Computing
Paralelización and programming of accelerators hardware. Benchmarking and analysis of performance of computing systems. Algorithms and software of high performance applied to relevant areas. Analysis and optimisation of specific software. High performance, high energy efficiency, secure architectures (processors, memories, interconnects, storage, etc.).
Unesco codes: 3304 – 3304 Computer technology
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Research on algorithms and infrastructures for Machine Learning and other Artificial Intelligence techniques for the processing of massive data and the creation of control, detection and prediction systems. Including: Machine learning algorithms with neural networks. Prediction and control-optimisation-recommendation systems Sensorics Anomaly detection Big data platforms for marine science and astrophysics Optimisation of neural networks Efficient, reliable and secure neural networks.
Unesco codes: 3304 – 3304 Computer technology
Quantum Computing
Research in software for hybrid classical-quantum computing, with special emphasis on distributed computing and application in high interest use cases. It includes: Integration of classical and quantum computers, especially at the programming level. Quantum Machine Learning. Variational algorithms, optimisation and hybrid algorithms. Parallel quantum algorithms, with or without quantum communications. Benchmarking. Quantum computer emulators. Security and reliability.
Unesco codes: 3304 – 3304 Computer technology
Quantum communications
Research into the development, integration and use of quantum or quantum-resistant communications in today’s ICT infrastructure and services dedicated to the digital society.
Unesco codes: 3325 – 3325 Telecommunications technology
Educational Technology
Analysis, design and evaluation of computer technology-based solutions for training and collaborative contexts.
Unesco codes:
3304 – 3304 Computer technology
5802 – 5802 Organization and planning of education
Geographic Information Systems
Spatial data models. Application of processing techniques, automatic classification and graphic representation of contents. Digital cartographic processing. Archaeological data modelling. Interoperable geographic information services. Application of AI to archaeological research.
Unesco codes:
2505 – 2505 Geography
5599 – 5599 Other historical specialities
5499 – 5499 Other geographical specialities
Check here the projects carried out at the Galicia Supercomputing Center in recent years.