
CESGA facilitates the following services fundamentally to researchers and technologists that use tools of technological and scientific computing

  • Services of advice regarding the search, selection, and development of algorithms, programs, and architectures
  • Code porting and code optimisation services
  • Service of analysis and design of comfortable and productive work environments
  • Cloud computing Service
  • Remote visualization service

Who can access these services?

CESGA ‘s services are open to researchers from Galician Universities, CSIC Centres, and R&D departments of public and private companies that demand it. The researchers and technologists who usually demand these services are users of supercomputers, or normally work with workstations or PC networks in order to execute their calculations.


Computer Services of the Galicia Supercomputing Center

The service of Development Support is defined to support the development of user software. The service includes help and collaboration with programming in different languages, optimisation of the existing code as well as assistance with the implementation of solutions that combine different computational technologies.

This service is carried out through the development of projects of a maximum of 4 months of close collaboration with the user and is originated by a service request.


The service is free for members of the Galician University System (SUG) or of CSIC.

Description of the service

The service that provides hours of computation offers the possibility to execute applications in the computation servers of the Centre. To this end, the service uses a queueing system installed in the equipment and users with an access account to the servers can use of the queueing system to send simulations.

Request for service:

This service may de requested via the user registration form. Once the application form for the service has been sent, we will send the instructions about how to connect to the computational servers, as well as the user account data.


The cost of the service will charged according to technical support of the quantity of hours of CPU/core hours consumed. Prices are around 10 cent per core hour depending on the configuration specified in each case. The researchers of the CSIC and the Galician Universities will be able to access to the service without an associated cost.

FinisTerrae is CESGA’s supercomputer that joins into the Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructure (ICTS) Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES).

FinisTerrae was jointly financed by the Regional Government of Galicia (Xunta de Galicia), the Spanish Ministry for the Science and Innovation and the European Regional Development Fund FEDER).

Fondos FTIII


SUG and CSIC researchers can request access through the following form:

Red Española de Supercomputación (RES) offers access to its resources through periodic open calls to researchers from EU member states, the European Economic Area, countries of the CYTED programme, and also to researchers with legal residence in any of these countries.

The main objective of these calls is to provide access to RES’s resources to research groups or individuals, a priority access to CESGA ‘s computational resources in order to carry out research projects, acquire knowledge, or train in the technologies in use at this installation.

In order to serve ITCS users, CESGA annually makes available 20% of FinisTerrae’s capacity. For more information regarding access to the calls, please consult the RES

Description of the service

The purpose of this service is to allow users to enter the field of Big Data technologies in a simple way, through Hadoop, one of the most widespread platforms in this field.

Apache Hadoop is an open source software widely used to store and process large volumes of data in parallel within the Big Data paradigm. The two main components of Apache Hadoop on which all the others are deployed are: a parallel file system (HDFS) where the data to be analyzed is stored and a job manager (YARN) that distributes the applications among the available nodes. Above these two components there are different APIs with which to develop the applications. Currently, the most widespread programming API is Spark, which has been gradually replacing the original MapReduce API thanks to its performance improvements and its simplicity of use.

The service allows you to easily launch jobs using Spark, Hive, Impala, MapReduce, HBase or Kafka.

Sign up

This service is available for institutions of the Galician University System (SUG), CSIC centers, R+D departments of institutions and/or public or private companies, institutions and / or companies that participate in R + D + i activities with CESGA , as long as they meet the membership criteria.


This service has an approximate cost of 0.10 € per hour of CPU. The final cost can vary depending on the amount of CPU/cores used and the amount of technical support required. The researchers from CSCI and Galician Universities will be able to use the service at no cost.
4. Usage Policies

The acceptable use policy that every user of the service must comply with is accessible through the following link.

For more details on how to use the service, please consult the BD|CESGA portal where you will find additional information as well as guides for using the different tools: