Quantum Computing

/Tag: Quantum Computing

A Hybrid and Highly Scalable Approach for the Next Generation of Quantum-Enabled Data Centers (CPDs) – II

Quantum computing represents a new paradigm in computing that is based on the properties of quantum mechanics, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform calculations in a much more efficient and faster manner. Despite the achievements made in recent years, there are still many challenges that need to be addressed, such as scalability issues in [...]

A Hybrid and Highly Scalable Approach for the Next Generation of Quantum-Enabled Data Centers (CPDs) – I

Quantum computing represents a new paradigm in computing that is based on the properties of quantum mechanics, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform calculations in a much more efficient and faster manner. Despite the achievements made in recent years, there are still many challenges that need to be addressed, such as scalability issues in [...]

Quantum technology infrastructures for cybersecurity research

This article describes the new disruptive panorama that quantum technologies bring, the quantum technology infrastructure that CESGA makes available to the research and academic community, and the relationship of these technologies with the field of cybersecurity. This is one of the fields that will change substantially because of the benefits and threats that these new [...]

Advances in Quantum Communication and Computing

This report outlines the scientific and technological status of the design and use of distributed quantum computing and communication systems, with an emphasis on design and engineering challenges in quantum internet and connection of multiple QPUs This report reviews the state of the art in quantum computing (QC) theory and technology, particularly focusing on the [...]

Mathematics in the Quantum Computing Era: New Frontiers

We present a summary of the state of the art of the most relevant quantum algorithms for mathematical research, including the problems they solve, as well as their advantages, limitations, and open issues. This report aims to provide mathematic professionals with an accessible introduction to quantum computing, along with a summary of current quantum computing [...]

Applicability of quantum computing techniques in the automotive industry

The study aims to identify the areas where quantum computing can address problems to optimize the production processes in the automotive sector in Galicia. By identifying potential applications that impact OEMs, suppliers, and their supply chain. This document compiles the research conducted on quantum computing in the automotive industry. First, we provide an overview that [...]

Introductory Course to Tensor Networks

25th to 28th, September, 2023 Among quantum-inspired classical computing approaches to Quantum Simulation, Tensor Networks stand out as a promissing avenue to handle situation where the amount of entanglement is limited. This course provides an introduction to the use of Tensor Newtorks.  The course will be in-person, and involve both theory presentations and python labs [...]

17ª Conferencia de Usuarios da RES

A 17ª Conferencia de Usuarios da RES reúne aos usuarios de supercomputación para compartir coñecementos e experiencias no uso do HPC. A Rede Española de Supercomputación (RES) organiza a Conferencia Anual de Usuarios da RES para dar a coñecer as novidades da RES e proporcionar información de interese sobre o acceso aos seus recursos e [...]

Fujitsu y CESGA crean un centro cuántico

CESGA y Fujitsu crean un centro en Galicia para desarrollar e impulsar la tecnología cuántica Fujitsu y el CESGA han firmado hoy un acuerdo de colaboración para establecer un centro cuántico en Galicia, España, con el fin de acelerar la investigación conjunta utilizando tecnologías de computación cuántica y promover el desarrollo de la industria cuántica [...]

2023-09-22T09:10:02+01:0021/4/2023|Categories: Novas|Tags: , , |

World Quantum Day at CESGA

O 14 de abril celébrase o World Quantum Day, un día dedicado a promocionar a comprensión da ciencia e a tecnoloxía cuántica. Por este motivo no Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia (CESGA) en conxunto coa Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC) e os centros da Rede Española de Supercomputación (RES) que participan na iniciativa QuantumSpain [...]

2023-09-22T09:05:10+01:0014/3/2023|Categories: Novas|Tags: , , |