quantum computer

/Etiqueta: quantum computer

Claves cuánticas con dispositivos imperfectos

El VQCC explora la seguridad perfecta en las comunicaciones mediante la distribución de claves cuánticas con dispositivos imperfectos La tecnología cuántica presenta una enorme paradoja: supone la amenaza más temible para nuestra ciberseguridad tal y como la conocemos, al tiempo que es la única capaz de garantizar la seguridad perfecta en las comunicaciones digitales. [...]

2024-11-05T13:50:44+01:0028/10/2024|Categorías: Noticias|Etiquetas: , , , , , |

Evaluating the performance of a quantum computer – IV

The Computer Architecture Group at UDC and CESGA are developing a proposal focused on assessing the performance of quantum computers in executing applications, based on identifying tasks that are common to multiple quantum computing applications. The purchase of a quantum computer represents an investment of several million euros. However, evaluating which quantum computer performs best [...]

Evaluating the performance of a quantum computer – III

The Computer Architecture Group at UDC and CESGA are developing a proposal focused on assessing the performance of quantum computers in executing applications, based on identifying tasks that are common to multiple quantum computing applications. The purchase of a quantum computer represents an investment of several million euros. However, evaluating which quantum computer performs best [...]

Evaluating the performance of a quantum computer – II

The Computer Architecture Group at UDC and CESGA are developing a proposal focused on assessing the performance of quantum computers in executing applications, based on identifying tasks that are common to multiple quantum computing applications. The purchase of a quantum computer represents an investment of several million euros. However, evaluating which quantum computer performs best [...]

Evaluating the performance of a quantum computer – I

The Computer Architecture Group at UDC and CESGA are developing a proposal focused on assessing the performance of quantum computers in executing applications, based on identifying tasks that are common to multiple quantum computing applications. The purchase of a quantum computer represents an investment of several million euros. However, evaluating which quantum computer performs best [...]