
/Etiqueta: seminar

Quantum Spain Seminar

Quantum Spain Seminar: Test of the physical significance of Bell's theorem Ponente: Adan Cabello Universidad de Sevilla Abstract:The experimental violation of Bell inequalities implies that at least one of three assumptions, measurement independence (MI), parameter independence (PI), and outcome independence (OI), fails in nature; "one of these three premises must be false, and it is [...]

2024-03-15T14:42:53+01:0027/11/2023|Categorías: Noticias|Etiquetas: , , , , |

Quantum Spain Seminar

Quantum Spain Seminar: Simulating IBM's Kicked Ising Experiment with Quantum-Inspired Tensor Networks Thursday 16th November 11.00 a.m. We show how quantum-inspired 2d tensor networks can be used to efficiently and accurately simulate the largest quantum processors from IBM, namely Eagle (127 qubits), Osprey (433 qubits) and Condor (1121 qubits). We simulate the dynamics of a [...]